200 days to SPM
Works and works
Woke up before 9
over the manda's place around 10
finished up moral, bm & sivik project
10 % on our sindex
manda made breakfast for us. so i guess she will be our cook next year eh ?
My group member is Audrey. We were some kindda lamers figuring what to do.
i hope it works.
I have joined the nie this year with Joseanne, David , Zi heng & Chong V s.
we are the coffeeberry =.=
i really have to prepare for add maths test tomorrow. man its hot here
i shall take a quick shower
loves ;/
the things that we have to do by this month
i am at zero acceleration right now.
sindex invention undone
moral folio 20 percent done
moral pembentangan undone
bm bab 2 pembentangan undone, too lazy to think about it, have to read.
sivik only thought about it no action has been taken yet
next week add maths & chemistry test
should i just poke my eyeballs and turn blind.
yeesshhmf !
Posh is 17
after our physics tuition ended at 5 pm
rushed to joseanne's and got ready with Manda's frame
went over to Manda's partyy at yatch club. Loved the jetty, shaking sitting, the breeze
the awesome beer shared among us.
the coke drinking plus the bananas.
Amanda hope you enjoy having a lot of pets now. and i know now it looks like a mini zoo at ur place.
cant wait to see her drive and stop day dreaming

Manda ( rihanna/ posh) Audrey looks pervert :D
23 april
had plans to surprise manda in class
we planned to do it after our physics lesson.
& yeaah everything went on fine
until we had food fight and this what happened
look at manda's uniform

an awesome scolding from our moral teacher -.-
Potato family

hello late Saturday,
we had school today how disastrous
my biology is down the drain
satisfied with my physics and maths. :D
we were planing a week ahead about making a potato family for amanda.
each of it describes its own .
i hoped she liked it :D
More to come..
Rose turns 17

had a little gathering last weekend.
took tons of pictures
ended up in vedablu
& her sister in pink fixing her bra
Boat ridin'
amanda.s , mandy , kylie & me headed to Rdc to do our moral kerja amal.
Did some dirty work but wasn't that manly as i thought

Boat ridin... racing.
haa.. kyl and mandy won !
at night i went over to corrie's place for her mums birthday
later to roses..
loves :/
a quick post here.
tomorrow will be my add maths test and i am totally not prepared
changing seats tomorrow. my new neighbours Fiona & Dexter
in front my gay dude David.
had awesome time with my classmates ...3 hours of massive badminton
doubles triples and we do it all.
had really great lunch with them.
brushing my teeth away
I need to
i have tried rising my mouth with salt & water ( helped a bit )
chewing gum ( doesn't work at all.. bullshit, made it worse instead )
rinsed mouth with listerine ( worked for 5 mins )
i shall try placing an ice pack on it for 20 minutes
placing half a tea bag (warm not hot )
and lastly if it doest work... drinking a bit of whiskey
On the other hand,
homeworks yet to be done but still hanging around
English summary
moral tugasan 1 done 3 to go
Sejarah work book
what else ?
& being well prepared for add maths & physics test
no matter what. Coffee makes me live !
i am off loves :/
When pictures come across
I was just randomly surfing the net. Drinking a super large glass of iced water. Looking through some blogs while turning on to Timbaland. Facebook-ing through out the day. It is more addictive than coffee. Shopped a bit and had a cup of tea somewhere around late evening.
Mosquitoes seems to be everywhere. In my room, the living room, outside, tuition & school.
They seem to be stalking me by sucking my blood.
Causing myself to scratch & scratch the itch away. But eventually it becomes even worse.
I just had a painkiller. due to the painful wisdom tooth
I am tired of school, waking up early, failing to complete few home works, already failing.
Despite of all that, I wont be too overwhelmed by it.
The good thing is i haven't skipped a single lesson in school including sivik.
I am just wondering when I could finally take my driving lessons. We have been postponing the law test every time. We promised to take it on march and get over with it. However, it failed.
Audrey, Amanda & Joseanne are away for the prefects camp. My facebook contacts look so dull.
I am still having a tough time dealing with Add maths chapter 9 form 4. Its insanity. God knows.
Time passes so fast. April is ahead. OMFG.
So, as i was browsing the web looking through crap and shit.

When nobody cares
i CANT bare the pain anymore
according to eHow blog, a person normally has wisdom tooth at the age between 17 to 21. But I am hardly 17. Mum said its good to have a wisdom tooth. It makes a person wiser and matured. Balls ! that is definitely out of the question. I don't seem to get those inside me.
I am really having a tough time dealing with it.
Not to mention i am wearing braces with rubberbands. On the other hand, my brackets are already hitting the edge of my wisdom tooth.
Oh dear, the dentist mention that he will not extract it out anytime soon because of my braces.
I found few ways on treating this problem. But the best thing is extracting it out.
Number one : Try brushing through it ( which I have tried )
Number two : Try using painkiller ( which I have tried...lasted for couple of hours )
Number three : Try chewing a chewing gum on that particular area ( i am gonna try it )
Number four : Try a warm salt water rinse ( i am gonna do it in a sec )
AND its EARTH HOUR. right now but everyone seems to be online -.- /
nites loves ;?

I'm am very serious.
i cant eat, chew, bite .....
i cant brush my teeth
this is shit
it has to go..
I'm still thinking yet thinking. unsure
what to do ?
came back from the education fair and still unsure
tomorrow back to school..
nites loves :/
Take 3


a bit of update here,
spent time at Rose's. Facebooking and webcaming with Abbey.
took numerous amount of pictures
talking crap is just awesome..
Loves :/
about morning.
ITS 12.45 am. right now
my heavy eyes about to drop off
on msn with VAHIN raj.
TIME is rush for some daddy yankee..
tomorrow out with the girls.
loves :/
The Heating Noon at 26 o'clock
one of the bests the other side of midnight. looking forward for bloodline.
listening to the loud bbeeeppss.. sky that exploded with heat. A truly bright heat that is hurting my eyes. The fan seems to blow extremely hot air. Sweats drip as i blog. and again it does.
even my palms my fingers. geezz
Hoping for some breeze which is lost from existence. As time ticks and I keep on waiting for something brainsick to happen.
On the urge of having some pastries , an apple pie.. Or maybe a large scoop of ice cream. I spent the noon listening to daddy Yankee and watching whats on the television. Seriously, the shows are getting darn bogus.
On the other hand, I have not done any of my homeworks and the tasks given. Just a tiny bit of physics. Oh man, and i guess there will be insanely amount of test around the corner. I finally could fix my chemistry test paper which was another failure. Lol.
I ate just like fucking ate a whole papaya this noon. Without drinking a single cup of coffee so far.
The coffee consuming is getting too over. The most incredible part is my handwriting is getting smaller and what the heck is that ?
FOR now, i can only listen to booomm booomm..yeaaaaaayeaahh,,,swatyyyyy....oh that crazy shitttttt...
signing off loveess :/
Science in action
anyone stressed out :
"I wish I was DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes.... baby"
"If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?"
"You're so hot you just denatured my enzymes"
"I wish I was adenine so I could get paired with U"
"My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you"
"If you were C6, and I were H12, all we would need is the air we breathe to be sweeter than sugar"
"Girl whenever I am near you, I undergo anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away"
"You must be the one for me, since my selectively permeable membrane let you through."
"My hypothalamus must be secreting serotonin because baby, I want you!"
"Hey baby, can I be your enzyme? because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.
"Girl you must be highly charged cause I feel a spark between us"
"If i was a strong acid, I'd fully dissociate in you."
"When i touch you it feels like an exothermic reaction."
"I lost my atomic number, can I have yours?"
"You make me harder than the covalent bonds in diamond."
"Our relationship is like caesium... explosive."
"Hey baby, I've got my ion you."
"You must be the explanation for dark matter, because you keep my galaxy together"
"our vibrations are gonna make some sweet harmonics"
"lets convert this potential energy to kinetic energy"
"Hi i'm gamma radiation; I'm highly penetrating"
check it out. i got it form a blog
"I wish I was DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes.... baby"
"If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?"
"You're so hot you just denatured my enzymes"
"I wish I was adenine so I could get paired with U"
"My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you"
"If you were C6, and I were H12, all we would need is the air we breathe to be sweeter than sugar"
"Girl whenever I am near you, I undergo anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away"
"You must be the one for me, since my selectively permeable membrane let you through."
"My hypothalamus must be secreting serotonin because baby, I want you!"
"Hey baby, can I be your enzyme? because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.
"Girl you must be highly charged cause I feel a spark between us"
"If i was a strong acid, I'd fully dissociate in you."
"When i touch you it feels like an exothermic reaction."
"I lost my atomic number, can I have yours?"
"You make me harder than the covalent bonds in diamond."
"Our relationship is like caesium... explosive."
"Hey baby, I've got my ion you."
"You must be the explanation for dark matter, because you keep my galaxy together"
"our vibrations are gonna make some sweet harmonics"
"lets convert this potential energy to kinetic energy"
"If you let me into your magnetic field, we could induce a current!"
"Hi i'm gamma radiation; I'm highly penetrating"
have fun, loves/ : *
Failure to Pull...
while i was waiting for Audrey's arrival from a facial. sounding a bit too anxious. ehh
and at the end it still remains the same. i even tried using them for 8 hours ..still. completely insane..
having a bit sneak and digging through the pages of my chemistry book..
which is yet to be torched massively any time soon.
i am on the verge of falling of the chair. memorised some colours of the salts and thinking and coaxing self to remember.
made notes that could brighten Audrey's eyes super bright.of course we have to be free error kids righttt ? we hope to be the iknoweverythingkidcuzijustknowit
i was seeming and wondering how these latex rubber bands actually work.
seems like it doesn't rip off... -.-
this is why condoms are made of latex ?
try watching a super duper scary movie so that you will have the fear of sleeping...
sources from clipmarks
In May 2007 a British man named Tony Wright stayed awake for 266 hours, just a little more than 11 days. He kept his eyes open by eating carrot juice, bananas, avocados, pineapple and nuts
Andy Gardner, a 17-year-old high-school student from San Diego, stayed awake for eleven complete days. Although he felt nauseous at times, had difficulty reading, and suffered temporary memory lapses, he had no long term emotional or physical side-affects of the experiment.
a perceived threat
othersss.. mentioned that
try slapping ur face..
try taking a shower( the coldest )
find sexy films to get blood running..ishreryb dsfgdjjjl
this is the best shit everrr..
if you have a baby, or theres a baby in the house, just set it next to you and wake it up and it will probably start to cry. I know, its kinda mean but it works great, if you want to get anything done though, you might want to find a different method.
I'm off for some add maths and a huge cup of black coffee..
some people opt to stay awake for 48 hours according to the yahoo ! answers site
just get a bit hyper or jumpy
apple or a peanut butter a healthsugarytite
sugary products.. uh huh
dance to J.t's music or just hit the door...
working out with super nonsense maths equations... at those final hours...
taking drugs..&*^%(
amount of cold water so you end up going to the bathroom
which keeps you awake often. right ?
keep on eating like a fool and not regretting a single bit. ohh yeaahh....
trying out a safer way besides coffee..as in tea which completely doesn't work for me..
i end up sleeping more..
drinking guava juice.. does it ?
messing up with nature ? ----.-\
People who are sleep deprived are angry, cranky, emotionally unstable, and their personality changes
You are already either hallucinating or imagination is running wild.
"sleep depravity " because you meant "deprivation".
Depravity means insane behavior.
I'm offf taaaa..
before ...
Audrey will be coming tomorrow at 2pm
we will be having a little fun with chemistry
learning colours
and the very first chapter for form 5
& we will be heading to the park for our greatest kerja amal
i just want to get over with it
i will be also going for the edu fair this Friday.
mom is sick of these education fairs.
had tea and a little tit bits with mum
we had a little bit of shopping in maylana
planning to save some money
i miss eating the food i love
it is so difficult to eat with these bands stuck here
i just finished revising chapt 3 for biology
i did tiny notes for audrey and me
i am will watch 90210 for an hour
& i shall practise on my add maths
hoping for a pleasant night..
wtf !
im unsure.
what should i actually do ?
- Take a nap. This one only works if your kids are in school or you have toddlers or a baby who still sleeps. Even a short nap can help give you that little boost of energy needed to pull through to the wee hours.
- Coffee. I recently cut coffee out of my diet and oh, how I miss it on those late nights! For now, a cup of tea does the trick, but the more caffeine, the better!
- Organization. It`s easy to lose focus once the kids go to bed and you finally get to do something on your own. Having a careful to-do list will help you stay on track. Plan to do your more mindless tasks later in the night, when your brain is starting to conk out.
- Support. I find it very nice to have the connection on Twitter with other moms who are up late. It doesn`t necessarily help you stay awake, but it does make you feel less alone.
- Fun. There`s no reason you can`t have a little fun to motivate yourself. Do a pre-set amount of work and then play a round of your favorite game, read a chapter in a book or watch some TV. It will make your nights more enjoyable and you`ll look forward to the prize, rather than just sleep.
- Exercise. When you start to feel real sleepy and still have a stack of work to do, take a break, do a round of the house or even walk around the block. This gets your blood pumping and helps to wake you up (also handy the next morning when your toddler wakes up entirely too early).
Blue but purple
it truly matches her phone.
i wonder why blueberry cakes look purple.
but it was the first time i could see something blue...ish..
I just came back from a not so hectic kerja amal thanks to her lil cousins. Browsing through the net looking for universities and we hope we achieve our goal.
wish us all the best.
I am getting used to my rubber bands.
THERE will be few study group seasons on the way.
Caeeeerrrryyyyyy ittt ouyytttt
Baby, you're lookin' fire hot
I'll have you open all night like an IHOP
I'll take you home baby, let you keep me company
You give me some of you, I give you some of me
(You look good)
Baby must taste heavenly, I'm pretty sure that you got your own recipe
So pick it up, pick it up, yeah I like you
I just can't get enough I gotta drive through
i listened to this fking song 42331564554 times....
I'll have you open all night like an IHOP
I'll take you home baby, let you keep me company
You give me some of you, I give you some of me
(You look good)
Baby must taste heavenly, I'm pretty sure that you got your own recipe
So pick it up, pick it up, yeah I like you
I just can't get enough I gotta drive through
Take my order cause your body like a carryout
Let me walk into your body till you hear me out
Turn me on my baby don't you cut me out
Turn me on my baby don't you cut me out
Let me walk into your body till you hear me out
Turn me on my baby don't you cut me out
Turn me on my baby don't you cut me out
i listened to this fking song 42331564554 times....
sunkissedxo06 (11 minutes ago)
damnn dude, you must've been looking real ass close hahaa...i didn't even notice that.
Tashy ; says:
You should be thankful i text u tau
deep. says:
u should be thankful i replyed u
Tashy ; says:
that also after how long
deep. says:
dear, sorry ..
u seem to be busy
whats up with ur dp man
Tashy ; says:
deep. says:
what the heck !
Blank ?
Definitely, I will do my pre- uni or a levels. then I will really decide.
Plus... i have a wisdom tooth ! since last week -.-
consistency is the key to success says drey and the guy
eating is great.
thank you micky.
Physics on Wednesday.
My bm ulbs on tueday..sabor... :)
dumb to the end
Hello dears,
sorry for the late update. I finally got some time.
Headed to manda's house for cny.
Total dumbos when it comes to the dancing mat.
Poor leng. tried to be comfortable with some bunch of maniacs
sorry for the late update. I finally got some time.
Headed to manda's house for cny.
Total dumbos when it comes to the dancing mat.

Sorry ,
a little... sorry note here
i cant post anything yet due to the virus attack that hit my cpu.
i will update a.s..ap
lots of loveeee kids
i cant post anything yet due to the virus attack that hit my cpu.
i will update a.s..ap
lots of loveeee kids
Cason loves Victor
oh my dear readers,
*still listening to Ke$ha
please/ no you really must
check out cason's blog. Best post ever.
complete awesomeness. ......
laughed my ass off..
*still listening to Ke$ha
please/ no you really must
check out cason's blog. Best post ever.
complete awesomeness. ......
laughed my ass off..
after eight.
Joseanne is away for her add maths tuition
Im here blogging and listening to Ke$ha
Tomorrow will be my Est test. Okay, should i or not prepare for it ?
Lets see. I have predicted that the paper will be mainly about global warming because that was the topic mainly discussed in class. Or partially about some technology.
I could attach few little notes here
Global warming is the average raise in temperature since year 1980
Caused by major increasing concentration of greenhouse gases resulting from human based activities such as burning of fossil fuels etc..
rise in temperature will result the retreat of glaciers - ocean water rises
Extreame whether conditions- fatal, extinction of animals etc
Also can result to drought - which leads to decrease in agriculture yield, less crops are being produced
Increase of greenhouse gases causes increase of radiative forcing
Soot and aerosols - greenhouse effect
Global warming solutions to safe the earth
plan a program that works efficently -----> get involved-----> plant for trees ------> to save the Earth.
Okay, wish me luck
and cny is around the corner.
AFTER than,
we will be having chemistry, physics, sejarah, additional maths and biology test. prepare to copy . ...
mana si joseanne ?
Im here blogging and listening to Ke$ha
Tomorrow will be my Est test. Okay, should i or not prepare for it ?
Lets see. I have predicted that the paper will be mainly about global warming because that was the topic mainly discussed in class. Or partially about some technology.
I could attach few little notes here
Global warming is the average raise in temperature since year 1980
Caused by major increasing concentration of greenhouse gases resulting from human based activities such as burning of fossil fuels etc..
rise in temperature will result the retreat of glaciers - ocean water rises
Extreame whether conditions- fatal, extinction of animals etc
Also can result to drought - which leads to decrease in agriculture yield, less crops are being produced
Increase of greenhouse gases causes increase of radiative forcing
Soot and aerosols - greenhouse effect
Global warming solutions to safe the earth
plan a program that works efficently -----> get involved-----> plant for trees ------> to save the Earth.
Okay, wish me luck
and cny is around the corner.
AFTER than,
we will be having chemistry, physics, sejarah, additional maths and biology test. prepare to copy . ...
mana si joseanne ?

I'm being prepared for the future.
Siva, Aaron and Jean are way busy working on the playstation. They have been gaming since I came back from school. Wonder what is Arjunan actually doing ?
Joseanne is busy pianoing downstairs. The sisters are still rattling around after the noon nap.
Well, I took some milk after nap and went out for a drive. Aunt Angie is preparing some pork dumplings for everyone.
I hear fireworks.
Oh and, dear David is worried about his irregular muscles. I think it it really awesome.
Above is a survey designed by manda.
Girls don't like fats as I predicted. Lol.
I am off for some 90210 with Jean.
I love u all.
Mom dint call me yet.
dad just called once.
I am really missing them. seriously.
At 3.38 noon
Good noon fellow readers,
I'm here sitting at the study desk and i hear the little sisters rattling around.
Mum already on her way to her destination. Dad is away too. I am staying over at Joseanne's place until Friday.
Guess, I will be doing tons of talking and watching movies. & Gossip girl season 3 is yet to be completed very soon.
On Monday, dad sent us over to Joseanne's place. Mercifully, he cleaned our beds and made our little croissants for breakfast. Mum is having her pleasurable time. None of them phoned me yet.
I shall jog with Joseanne later.
Indeed, feeling insane being her step sister and almost neighbour to our dear Arjunan.
* i shall blog about the sports day & manda's class survey a.s.ap.
I love u all.
I'm here sitting at the study desk and i hear the little sisters rattling around.
Mum already on her way to her destination. Dad is away too. I am staying over at Joseanne's place until Friday.
Guess, I will be doing tons of talking and watching movies. & Gossip girl season 3 is yet to be completed very soon.
On Monday, dad sent us over to Joseanne's place. Mercifully, he cleaned our beds and made our little croissants for breakfast. Mum is having her pleasurable time. None of them phoned me yet.
I shall jog with Joseanne later.
Indeed, feeling insane being her step sister and almost neighbour to our dear Arjunan.
* i shall blog about the sports day & manda's class survey a.s.ap.
I love u all.
After sports
shucks i got burned.
i going to Gc later to swim with victor.
Mums away for 2 weeks. I shall be a good girl.
i going to Gc later to swim with victor.
Mums away for 2 weeks. I shall be a good girl.
31st Of Jan
Today is the 31st of January 2010, seems like the school just started yesterday.
Just blinked once and the 31 days flew like an arrow.
Tomorrow will be already February and I better catch up with the lessons in class.
Mercifully, I did fourth out of fifth of my homeworks, did not doze of in class during lesson except for during the excel examination which was pointless. Tried to pay full attention and did not waste my time day dreaming.
Gladly, I survived 2 periods with Mr. Lee.
I will make sure that I will bound February right. 5E's are awesome and we strike hard to eat in class, cheat in any examination and try to be sparkling. 5E sangat jujur. I am always astonish with them however they may be. Some of the new teachers are too polite. Its only January so lets wait and see.
Daxter and Ivy are sitting right beside me. So its like mutualism , the reaction between us 3 to copy each other. Or sometimes or usually the class can end up like a food chain. Basically,Arjunan is the consumer and we consume as long as we can. We tend to trust him without any sign of doubtless.
Sports day is around very soon. This Friday and I ready too scream my ass out. Again lose my voice like every year. Wish all the best for the merpati's. fingers crossed !
I am heading to burn so fats. should i swim ? victor ?
Just a bit of Hot stuff
Every madman thinks that all the rest of the world is mad.
- Latin Proverb
- Latin Proverb
I'm wondering what does the queen of england actually do ?
The position of Queen of England no longer exists, thankfully, and it is Her Britannic Majesty who now rules benignly over us.
what does yahoo! answers has to offer ?
answer 1: B.E.C has pretty much said it all, except one thing. The last Queen of England was Queen Anne and her responsibilities were somewhat greater than the current Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland's responsibilities.
The position of Queen of England no longer exists, thankfully, and it is Her Britannic Majesty who now rules benignly over us.
answer 2: The Queen of England doesnt rule the country like in the old times but she has some influence on the parliament and she advices the Prime Minister. She overlooks and organzies national ceremonies, does charity work, and is still the main figure of the nation (she represents England in events like a meeting with the US President or Prime Minister of some country.)
my point of view: Living in Buckingham palace sipping tea and living her life. doesnt she ever get bored with the changing of guards. The so called special tourist attraction.
Does she do paperwork like others ? I should scan through the birtish webs.
When I overlook at the past, I am very overwhelmed by my poor performance.
The form 4 Additional Maths Chapt 9 Differentiation is eating my head. I shall roughneck the book anytime soon.
Even the brain teaser website is much better.
one of them
A man married a widow, and they each already had children. Ten years later there was a pitched battle engaging the present family of twelve children. The mother ran to the father and cried, "Come at once! Your children and my children are fighting our children!" As the parents now had each nine children of their own, how many were born during the ten years?
check out for the solution
Oh shucks, i shall continue loving my add maths like manda and jose does .-
My day ... . . ( how sick )
The exam week was hectic but not compared to last years. Since, we all are depending on the leaked papers.
Still, it takes maybe one third of effort. But i still endorse myself to seek for other topics.
Tomorrow will be Physics and Additional Maths. Trust me, I am completely zero at this. I hope to stroke atleast a pass.
When I'm filled with boredom, I roam the wikipedia and yahoo ! answers. Hoping for the day to end and wait for what seems to come next.
Looked what I checked to prevent from dozing off while you flip through those books.
Ideally, of course, your best option is to arrange your schedule so that you don't have to stay up late after a tiresome day. However, all students find themselves in your position at one time or another. What works for me is a steady supply of strong tea (or coffee, if that's your preference). Make it one cup at a time so that you periodically have something to do with your hands in addition to the infusion of caffeine. The task will alleviate the monotony of studying. Music also helps me stay up - something percussive with a fast tempo that's difficult to fall asleep to. If you really find your eyelids drooping, get up from your desk and do 50 jumping jacks. A little strenuous activity goes a long way towards increasing your alertness. Good luck!
Okay, another source mention that :
Drink tons of water. Dehydration can make self very sleepy. And take 15 mintues breaks every 2 hours watch tv ect. Other than than, exersice with some music and take a shower to be very wakened up. I would take that task if I have the time. My daily routine is killing me. Other options, dont get too comfortable. Trust, me it can put you off to sleep and there is not time to kill those pages off soon. Especially, biology and history. In not time, the books will be reading me.
For my conditon, I need excessive amount of crips and coffee. Plus, I dont study on a rainy day and I dont revise biology at 11 pm.
Gees, I am very disappointed that I got a total hangover with 90210. Okay, maybe once a week I could crash with it.
I need divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
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