hello.. im deepika. 16-teen going on 17-teen
blogs to escape from boredom.
spends time hoping for something new
loves her dearly friends
some people are too HOT.


Master OF Art .

Roses are red, Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet, but you are sweeter.

The above was penned by Manda during Moral Lesson to her beloved mum.

Being science students we had to do such things. Adorning with honeyed phrases or poems for the theme" kasih sayang". As Leng mentioned, Why do we have to still emphasis on arts! The reason we took Science stream is so that we would not get much exposure of any form of field using the skills or techniques of art. I managed to figure something out even though i have a bad judgement towards art. Sorry to say but that's my nature. I would not basically describe that it doesn't make sense at all. I do have a little capacity to appreciate and understand it. I took the time in expressing admiration towards arts. If you all know, my mum is actually an artist.
Fundamentally, I'm not like my mum. There is nothing to cease from. This is however the reality in general. It can be depict in spoken words.

As a toddler i did work on some weird drawings. At some time when i was around 11 years old, i did take the strenuous attempt to comply with any particular things to do with art. Anyhow it did not last for a month. Sometimes i take the time passing just a casual reference to consume only a piece of knowledge describing arts. The essence of arts is exorbitant. It mainly comes from inside of a person not through a thinking of a wise man. You don't need to have wealth or great possessions nor a condition that your hapless to just create a masterpiece. Is your thoughts that counts alot.

My mum always said that in time you'll love and appreciate them. You will ought to give a chance upon it. Make it as a force that you'd take every count of the precious time just to idolize
art. A turn from sketching to basic water color all the way to decorative materials, all make a pleasant view. Its just like from grave to light.Going beyond years, i might willingly take a step to explore the significance of arts! On what i just typed, i wasn't expressing dissatisfaction about the work given during moral lesson last week. Till then Happy Easter! and have an awesome weekend.

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