hello.. im deepika. 16-teen going on 17-teen
blogs to escape from boredom.
spends time hoping for something new
loves her dearly friends
some people are too HOT.


wtf !

i don't know why we are doing this.
im unsure.

what should i actually do ?
  • Take a nap. This one only works if your kids are in school or you have toddlers or a baby who still sleeps. Even a short nap can help give you that little boost of energy needed to pull through to the wee hours.
  • Coffee. I recently cut coffee out of my diet and oh, how I miss it on those late nights! For now, a cup of tea does the trick, but the more caffeine, the better!
  • Organization. It`s easy to lose focus once the kids go to bed and you finally get to do something on your own. Having a careful to-do list will help you stay on track. Plan to do your more mindless tasks later in the night, when your brain is starting to conk out.
  • Support. I find it very nice to have the connection on Twitter with other moms who are up late. It doesn`t necessarily help you stay awake, but it does make you feel less alone.
  • Fun. There`s no reason you can`t have a little fun to motivate yourself. Do a pre-set amount of work and then play a round of your favorite game, read a chapter in a book or watch some TV. It will make your nights more enjoyable and you`ll look forward to the prize, rather than just sleep.
  • Exercise. When you start to feel real sleepy and still have a stack of work to do, take a break, do a round of the house or even walk around the block. This gets your blood pumping and helps to wake you up (also handy the next morning when your toddler wakes up entirely too early).

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