hello.. im deepika. 16-teen going on 17-teen
blogs to escape from boredom.
spends time hoping for something new
loves her dearly friends
some people are too HOT.



I'm wondering what does the queen of england actually do ?
what does yahoo! answers has to offer ?

answer 1: B.E.C has pretty much said it all, except one thing. The last Queen of England was Queen Anne and her responsibilities were somewhat greater than the current Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland's responsibilities.

The position of Queen of England no longer exists, thankfully, and it is Her Britannic Majesty who now rules benignly over us.

answer 2: The Queen of England doesnt rule the country like in the old times but she has some influence on the parliament and she advices the Prime Minister. She overlooks and organzies national ceremonies, does charity work, and is still the main figure of the nation (she represents England in events like a meeting with the US President or Prime Minister of some country.)



my point of view: Living in Buckingham palace sipping tea and living her life. doesnt she ever get bored with the changing of guards. The so called special tourist attraction.

Does she do paperwork like others ? I should scan through the birtish webs.

When I overlook at the past, I am very overwhelmed by my poor performance.
The form 4 Additional Maths Chapt 9 Differentiation is eating my head. I shall roughneck the book anytime soon.
Even the brain teaser website is much better.

one of them

A man married a widow, and they each already had children. Ten years later there was a pitched battle engaging the present family of twelve children. The mother ran to the father and cried, "Come at once! Your children and my children are fighting our children!" As the parents now had each nine children of their own, how many were born during the ten years?

check out for the solution

Oh shucks, i shall continue loving my add maths like manda and jose does .-

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